Wednesday, September 30, 2009

101 goals in 1001 days

I'm having a terrible day today. I got to stop identifying myself with my work. Any setbacks and failures that I have at work, sometimes it gets to me and affects my mood even outside of work. I am not defined by what I do, why am I still feeling anxious over what happened today?!

I came home and went straight to the fridge and had Maggie Beer's Burnt fig jam, honeycomb and caramel ice-cream, Grain Waves, and watercrackers dipped in yoghurt cheese. Healthy dinner wonder I'm breaking out on my forehead.

Then I played the always helps when I'm feeling blue.

I am ready to go to bed now and perhaps read a few pages of Pride and Prejudice.

I thought I'd get this list ready before I sign-off...

Start Date: 15th October 2009
  1. Complete 100 pushups by the end of this year
  2. Go for power-walks at lunch once a week for 2 months
  3. Cancel gym membership
  4. Get blood test and maintain cholesterol level <>
  5. Maintain weight under 50kg
  6. Read Pride and Prejudice
  7. Learn to play 2 classic pieces on Piano
  8. Learn to play 2 tunes on the guitar
  9. Watch all the movies on the IMBD top 50 [0/50]
  10. Try 20 new recipe from my cookbooks/magazines
  11. Share my food with neighbours or friends
  12. Join a book club (or start up one)
  13. Join a paint/art class and sketch something that I can hang up on the wall
  14. Read at least 20 books a year [0/20]
  15. Maintain average budget of $120/week (not during holidays)
  16. Look into investment
  17. Sponsor a child (World Vision)
  18. Read a book on personal finance
  19. Keep track of my spending by recording them in a notepad over 2 months
  20. Apply for Masters degree (part-time)
  21. Find a casual position to work during weekends (cafe, bookstore)
  22. Get to know someone at work well enough to ask them “What is your view on tattoos?”
  23. Have a general idea about where I am headed in terms of IT?
  24. Update resume/CV
  25. Contact an old friend
  26. Make 3 new friends
  27. Send X’mas cards to 10 people I have no been in touch with this year
  28. Love up-close, not from a distance
  29. Always fold my clothes back into drawer after work (for 2 months straight)
  30. Start a diary/journal (blog?)
  31. Plan a trip to a country I’ve never been to (or continent)
  32. Drive somewhere by myself and be able to park properly
  33. No T.V for a month (use that time for people e.g. emails)
  34. Get my ears pierced (under consideration)
  35. Buy something for mum/dad on Mother’s Day/Father’s Day
  36. Understand Jazz and go to a jazz bar
  37. Play a game of chess
  38. Arrange a games night with friends (Scrabble, Cranium etc)
  39. Bake someone I love a cake
  40. Decorate my room with X’mas lights
  41. Perm my hair
  42. Plant daisies in a pot
  43. Finish knitting my scarf
  44. Get braces on my lower teeth (if recommended by dentist)
  45. Get a manicure
  46. Sell my uni textbooks
  47. Complete city to surf (or similar marathon)
  48. Moisturise my body every night for 1 month
  49. Improve flexibility (ability to touch ground with hand)
  50. Sort out travel photos and create a photo book
  51. Go to a ladies high tea
  52. Learn basic Japanese
  53. Spend a day at the zoo
  54. Take a self defense class
  55. Buy flowers for someone special
  56. Wear glasses more often (2/month for 6 months) -- or get lasik
  57. Drink only water for a week
  58. Write a letter to future hubby/child
  59. Watch a TV series from start to finish (gilmore girls, west wings etc)
  60. Eat 2 things I've never eaten before
  61. Donate $10 to charity for each item on this list I do not complete
  62. Host a dinner party
  63. Read Catch 22
  64. Go ice-skating
  65. Make successful batch of maracons
  66. Take a least a photo a day for 1 month
  67. Light a candle and turn on the music
  68. Go fruit picking
  69. Solve a rubiks cube
  70. Play golf
That's all I have for now. Will update the last 30 later

Good night :)