I haven't updated for a while...and it's December already! I only really noticed that yesterday when I was at the airport leaving Hong Kong. It seems that it takes a while for me to realize that things are happening...and I've been away from Sydney for almost a month! So Hong Kong was really fun. I didn't get to go to the new Disneyland tho! But the festive decorations there were amazing...walking down the street you can really feel the Christmas cheer and spirit all around!
So I am going to be trite and say "I can't believe another year has gone by already!". Here I am, all ready to reflect back on the year again...maybe not just yet! I've been listening to George Michael's "Last Christmas" a lot these days because it seems to be playing whenever I am certain stores. It's such a sad song and I wonder why they play this during X'mas when it mentions nothing about the festival except in its title. However, it just makes me think of everything that happened since last Christmas and I'm feeling incredibly blessed...
"From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another" - John 1:16.
Amazing Grace...how sweet the sound!
So, what's happening this summer? I will be going on a short term mission trip to Taiwan (where I'm already at right now actually) with a team of 7 from my church in Syd from the 14th Dec (in one day!) 'til the 31st Dec.. The location is BaoShan which is a farming community and we will be teaching at a high school there as well as helping out at the local church.
I'm really excited about this trip...to experience God's work in a different culture. So much training and preparation has gone into this (we even hired a professional balloon twister to teach us how to make animals out of those long balloons! Must say I'm terrible at it...and have been told numerous times to try and smile while twisting those balloons instead of frowning in horror...I think I will just stick with making the 'sword' for the kids...:p). However, this is going to be the second year that I will be away from my family during Christmas time. :(
Alright, I better go pack and do some final prep!
Goodbye 2006...I think this will be my last post of the year! Toodles...
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
sweet november
This is an entry from forever ago...it's been sitting in my draft box for a while coz i never had the chance to finish it...
These days have been kind of crazy. Developing super itchy skin during exam time didn't help and I couldn't sleep because of it. The doc said it's eczema due to stress?! Now my skin is blotchy and yuck.
On a happier note, I got to see my dear friend Vivian again who came to Sydney for a conference. Too bad we didn't get to do much this time, but we did what we do best...eat! :)
I also got to be a tour guide and took a friend I met last year in Cali around Sydney. It had been the most exhausting week and I really don't want to see the Opera House ever again! But as always, is always nice to catch up with ppl I met last year.

viv and i were pointing at our thanksgiving "chicken" that we baked for almost 2 hours...didn't turn out pretty at all. but not that we celebrate TG day in Aust anyway right?

digging into our dessert at Y2K...sticky rice soup thingy with pastry?

With Lisa..i think i was almost falling alseep.
Also got to meet up with Jani, a NZ friend whom I hadn't seen for 6 years...

We were in this Anglican girls' school together for 2 years when we were around 10. I think we were the only 2 unspoiled kids there :p
Got to catch up with uni friends before exams also...
spent all night deciding on which DVDs to watch out of the gazillions that we had...:D

pic stolen from louis' site.

maddy and I with our soy latte. she has dragon ballz hair and she cracks me up.

with alice and maddy...we go way back to good old high school days.

Introducing....Team BaoShan!

FATHER MAKE US ONE...Unity and love in our team for the STM.
"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ." - 1 Corinthians 12:12
These days have been kind of crazy. Developing super itchy skin during exam time didn't help and I couldn't sleep because of it. The doc said it's eczema due to stress?! Now my skin is blotchy and yuck.
On a happier note, I got to see my dear friend Vivian again who came to Sydney for a conference. Too bad we didn't get to do much this time, but we did what we do best...eat! :)
I also got to be a tour guide and took a friend I met last year in Cali around Sydney. It had been the most exhausting week and I really don't want to see the Opera House ever again! But as always, is always nice to catch up with ppl I met last year.

viv and i were pointing at our thanksgiving "chicken" that we baked for almost 2 hours...didn't turn out pretty at all. but not that we celebrate TG day in Aust anyway right?

digging into our dessert at Y2K...sticky rice soup thingy with pastry?

With Lisa..i think i was almost falling alseep.
Also got to meet up with Jani, a NZ friend whom I hadn't seen for 6 years...

We were in this Anglican girls' school together for 2 years when we were around 10. I think we were the only 2 unspoiled kids there :p
Got to catch up with uni friends before exams also...
spent all night deciding on which DVDs to watch out of the gazillions that we had...:D

pic stolen from louis' site.

maddy and I with our soy latte. she has dragon ballz hair and she cracks me up.

with alice and maddy...we go way back to good old high school days.

Introducing....Team BaoShan!

FATHER MAKE US ONE...Unity and love in our team for the STM.
"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ." - 1 Corinthians 12:12
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