Thursday, February 02, 2006

quarter-life crisis?

blah! I feel like blah...

everythings just blah...

blah - (blä) Informal
1. Worthless nonsense; drivel.
2. blahs A general feeling of discomfort, dissatisfaction, or depression: “Monday morning Oscar woke up with the blahs” (New Yorker).

Today is just one of these days where I am back to square #1. While figuring out some eeky uni course/degree stuff, I was led back to *the* question: What do I really want to do? I don't even think Po Bronson's best-selling book"What should I do with my life" is gonna prove to be useful. Uncertainty...brrrr...

un·cer·tain - (n-sûrtn)
1. Not known or established; questionable: domestic changes of great if uncertain consequences.
2. Not determined; undecided: uncertain plans.
3. Not having sure knowledge: an uncertain recollection of the sequence of events.

Everytime when I thought I've finally figured it all out and made the final decision, something would pop up in the middle of the road, obstructing my way!
Gotta stay positive (one of my resolutions this year). Maybe these obstructions are good signs reminding me to slow down and try another route?!

Hehe, this i like.

ser·en·dip·i·ty - (srn-dp-t)
n. pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties
1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.
2. The fact or occurrence of such discoveries.
3. An instance of making such a discovery.


Why is it so expensive to fly from Australia?

Sydney -> Paris --- from AUD$1500
Sydney -> Christchurch --- from AUD$395
Sydney -> Vancouver --- from AUD$2000+

I'm already thinking about July/August break...

Bob: Well, what are *you* waiting for?
Little Boy on Tricycle: I don't know. Something amazing, I guess.
Bob: Me too, kid.

-from The Incredibles.

These days animations amuse me. I've watched Robots finally, but i'll just say that Bob Parr aka Mr. Incredibles beats Copperbottom any day! Also bought Toy Story DVD! Woohoo!

Enough of blogging...:)
Out & Over!

ps. Welcome February, Goodbye January...I've had fun.

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