Tuesday, August 15, 2006

wave tossed in the ocean

One of the biggest lessons I've learned this year is about "faith". I've had my fair share of high and low tides of faith since I've been back...so many things happened that made me question the God who gave me life...how ungrateful I know...but doubts...it's like a starless night for the soul...a spiritual drought. Just like this Casting Crown song says, "But once again, I said 'Amen' and it's still raining..."
But praise God, I know He is changing and helping me to grow through all this, because only the perfect One can change the imperfect me. I believe that although He sees my ongoing failures and inadequacies, He will still use me for His good purposes. I couldn't help but feel so bitter about some people but He reminded me not to give up on them because often my emotions cloud my judgments..He also really made me think about pursuing real Joy...not those 'at the moment' temporary happiness but something eternal...

Hmmm...better start doing some work...my thesis is really draining me out these days...2 other people worked on this project before me, and basically what I'm doing is combining their work and fix up all their problems...Maybe upgrade and add in more cool features to it so we can finally publish it. To be honest, this project isn't as interesting as I thought it would turn out to be, but oh wells...I'm sure once we spend heaps more time together, I will eventually learn to like it :)

I miss the girls. What an exhausting week that was but totally worth it. Hopefully all our paths will cross again someday soon.

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