[EYES] 1 Peter 4:7-9
[EARS] jaci velasquez
[HEAD] "to save-save is always better than to spend-spend"
[HANDS] stirring Jarrah's Brazilian coffee
It's offical now, I am going to Phuket Island (Thailand) this coming weekend! Can't wait...then I'm FINALLY heading back to Sydney straight after.
So the trip to Japan didn't really work out for some reasons, but I don't mind coz it's wayy cold there in Japan. The other alternative I was considering was Cherating beach in Malaysia, but it's more expensive plus the flight is 8 hours looong! Only thing I'm a bit worried about is the safety in Phuket. Some of the beaches there were affected by the tsunami...but yea, should be okay by now.
Just did 15 mins of online crash course in Thai and now I'm capable of introducing myself.
Sa wat dee ka, pom chue viv (as I say this I should 'wai' - where the hands are brought together in front of the chin).
Also read this from travel brochure:
"Thailand is often called the "land of smiles", and rightly so because you will see more smiling people here than anywhere else in the world."
Sounds like one happy country :D
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