[EYES] 'How to have a beautiful mind' by Edward de Bono
[EARS] Narnia soundtrack
[HEAD] burning
[HANDS] rubik's cube (gotta read the algorithm)
this german makes me smile everytime i think about him :D (needs sound)
so what has viv been up to? well i've been stuck in bed for 2 days with the flu :( ongoing fever and sore throat, cough, runny nose...all my senses are retarded now...i feel terrible. a few days ago, i thought to myself..wow i haven't been sick for some time now..but then i started to worry because usually when i have that thought, i'd get sick the next day....it's all in the head.
pooooooo, it has been only a week of classes and i am already behind... im taking:
1) COMP3121 Algorithms & programming techniques- the prof with this strong Russian accent spent the first hour (of the 3 hrs straight lecture from 5pm-8pm) talking about how all the comp jobs will migrate to India and China one day. This class is program-free....!! yapee!!
2) BINF4920 Professional Issues and Ethics for Bioinformatics- should be easy...participation is 25% of the grade!!!
3) MATH2501 Linear Algebra - I don't need take this class but I still wanna take it, just in case I decide to switch to combined degree. feel really old in a class full of 2nd year students...prof is Dr. Angell, who is also a conductor in the orchestra.
4) BIOT3701 Commercial Biotechnology - It's a straight 4 hours lecture on Mondays ><

some pics from my beach walks recently. trying to enjoy the last few weeks of beach weather....autumn is just around the corner..i can smell it, even with my blocked nose.
i think i have more spare time these days as this semester my classes seem pretty light-loaded (lets hope cs3121 won't be mean). gotta be active and all! as for now, i'm volunteering with wesley missions but i haven't quite decided which area/field i should help out...heard from my work friend in SF who took a month off work to go to MS with the CityTeam ministries. they basically help poor/abused/homeless to recover from circumstances they've been in. really inspired me to do something fruitful with my free time. (instead of watching '24'!!! am restraining myself from season 2 atm).
on the other hand, i'm also looking for a paid part time job...anyways, will worry about that later, what i need right now is a good nap...and *maybe* just one episode of 24.
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