These are the 10 things that made me feel very blessed today.
1. Spending the weekend with very special friends - and having a wonderful time strolling around Sydney. Occassions like this are very rare and it was amazing to see how we are all on different walks of life now, when it was only a year ago, we were simply exchange students.
2. Being spoiled by my mum, who really is my pillar of strength and I almost take her for granted sometimes. And my father, although so far in distance, but near at heart.
3. My legs. I may have complained about how sore they were last weekend, but they are the very vehicle that carry me around and take me places. Again, I've taken them for granted.
4. Having the opportunity to serve God with others at the end of the year in Taiwan.
5. Never running out of books to read. It is always refreshing to be able to see life through different lenses and develop my very own set of values and opinions from them.
6. Witnessing how a physically unwell brother from church is trusting and clinging onto God with his life as he begins to undergo 20 weeks of chemo/stem cell transplant/radiotherapy treatments while his wife is pregnant.
7. Knowing that there are people who are willing to hold my hands while I stumble upon the crosswalks of life. Thanks dear sis, you are the apple of my eye.
8. Having 2 different types of food in my to satisfy my hunger temporarily, and one to satisfy my soul infinitely...
9. Recalling that several times in life, when I stubbornly thought I could never change or I could never make it, He makes it happen, just to prove silly old me wrong!
10. Remembering that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made" and not just a coincidential collision of particles. :))

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