Sunday, September 04, 2011


A friend of mine recently went for an interview where the interviewers asked him:
"If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"

Needless to say, a strange question indeed for entry into a medical training program. I can't recall his response, but today as I went for a stroll and came upon many magnificent and grand trees, I wondered upon this question myself.

I'm no botanist or arboriculturist (I could probably only count with one hand how many different type of trees I know by name), but I want to be a tree with my root so deep into the ground such that no amount of lightning/hurricane/strong wind could bring me down. I want to be a tree that bears fruits, so that when people walk up close, they can see the fruits and not just a bunch of leaves! 

I desire to be more like trees actually. Because they do what they're supposed to they're created to do: just concentrate on bearing fruits/growing/rooting deep into ground. You don't see trees doing crazy things like selling candies, do you?! ;)

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